Traffic Exchange

May 22, 2013

Dog guards owner's body after tornado hits

Dog guards owner's body after tornado hits

Rescuers scouring the devastation after a huge tornado tore through Moore, Okla., on Monday tweeted a photo of one furry find that has since gone around the Web, receiving more than 52,000 likes on Facebook.

The Oklahoma County Sheriff's office posted the photo of the mud-spattered pup with the description, “Scared, but this little pup survived.”

The sheriff's department later updated the Facebook post to say that further digging showed the dog was found near a body—possibly that of its owner.

But the story didn't end there.

The rescuers were as touched by the sweet little pooch as the rest of the Web, and the sheriff’s office tweeted: "Dog taken to shelter; deputy plans on adopting."

Now, in a possible miraculous twist, it seems all of the Web attention might reconnect the dog with its owner.

Sheila Collins commented on the Facebook post, "Please don't adopt Susie Collins. She is my brother Curtis' dog and he is alive and the only reason he is not well is that he is looking for Susie. Please help us find Susie and if you have her, please let us know."

The sheriff's department replied, "Sheila we will definitely be in touch. We want to do everything possible to make sure this dog gets back to its family."

Another emotional moment from the tornado disaster between human and pet was captured on camera as a woman who returned to the wreckage of her Oklahoma home was miraculously reunited with her dog.