2012 Election Memes - Corporations are people too, blowing a softball question on one of your purported Olympian strengths, ducking the press, moonwalking back and forth on every issue under the sun while insisting you are steady and stationay as Plymouth Rock. These toastmaster adventures cry out for a term of their own. Matt Miller obliges:
WaPo– We’ve reached a rare moment. Sometimes a phenomenon is so unprecedented and altogether singular that existing language doesn’t suffice to capture it. This is how language evolves, as new realities inspire fresh coinages to do justice to human experience. …What’s the right new word? “Mitticism” might be a serviceable noun, but it feels quaint and obscure. “Mittgaffe” has a fun ring redolent of “McNugget,” but it still misses. After all, we’re talking about a state of mind, a way of thinking (or not thinking), that goes beyond any single misstep. No, sometimes only a punchier adjective will do.
I propose “Mitticulous.”
Brilliant! It encapsulates Romney’s odd predilection for speaking with precise strained, focused intent, where his android creases briefly mimic living flesh, and despite all that effort, when it comes our of his mouth, it still sounds utterly ridiculous.