Traffic Exchange

Nov 7, 2011

Chickenpox lollipops ruled illegal

Chickenpox lollipops ruled illegal, Chicken Pox-Stained Lollipops are Illegal, Warns Prosecutor. Nashville federal prosecutor Jerry Martin has warned that parents who are purchasing or selling chicken pox-stained lollipop could be open for prosecution since it is illegal in United States.

An increasing number of parents are buying chicken pox stained items or even spit of children infected with the virus. They believe that children who get infected with chicken pox have a stronger immunity than those who take preventive immunization.

A mother in Nashville started a Facebook page offering spit and lollipops licked by her children who are infected with chicken pox. She was selling the items for $50 apiece; money which she said was used for covering the shipping costs. chickenpox facebook, pox parties, hepatitis, chicken pox lollipops illegal,

However Martin said that while it is dangerous from a health point of view, it is also illegal since sending infectious viruses and bacteria across the stateliness could be seem as a federal offense similar to sending anthrax.
