Traffic Exchange

Jun 4, 2013

Matt Bonner SAT score 1350

Matt Bonner SAT score 1350, Matthew Robert Bonner is an American professional basketball player with the San Antonio Spurs of the National Basketball Association.

• Age: 33

• On-court accomplishments: 1-time NBA champion

• Alma mater, major, GPA: Florida, business, 3.96

• SAT score: 1350

• Off-court/intellectual interests: “Reading, Scrabble, writing, math games, record collecting, pingpong.”

• What I’m reading now: “Extremely Loud and Incredibly Close, by Jonathan Safran Foer.”

• If I weren’t a professional athlete, I’d ... “(Be a) college professor.”

• Nerdiest thing about me: “I’m a huge cribbage and corduroy enthusiast, and my favorite show ever is The X-Files.”

• Smartest teammate I’ve had: “Brent Barry or Tim Duncan.”