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Jun 21, 2013

'Landlords from hell' jailed for campaign of terror against tenants who refused to move

'Landlords from hell' jailed for campaign of terror against tenants who refused to move
Landlords from hell, A San Francisco couple who subjected their tenants to a terrifying campaign of threats and terror in an effort to evict them have been sentenced to four and a half years in prison.

For more than three years Kip and Nicole Macy stalked their tenants, threatened them with a semi-automatic weapon, changed the locks without telling them, and tried to have the windows boarded up while one tenant was still at home.

The couple also tried to saw through a supporting beam in one of the Market district flats, but were stopped when the tenant, who was in, managed to bend the blade.

The couple were found guilty of residential burglary, stalking and attempted grand theft after their efforts to evict tenants from a building in Clementina Street.

'The actions of these defendants are so outlandish and brazen that it sounds like the plot line of a horror movie,' San Francisco District Attorney George Gascón said, as he sentenced the couple on Wednesday.

The campaign of terror began soon after the couple bought an apartment block for $995,000 in 2005 and tried to evict the five tenants already living in it.

Within a year, the Macys were involved in litigation with Scott Morrow, one of the tenants.

Mrs Macy, 37, set up a fake email account in Mr Morrow's name and sent a message to his lawyer saying his services were no longer needed, according to the Huffington Post.

She then sent an email threatening to dismember the lawyer's children, in an effort to make Mr Morrow look unstable.

A month later the couple had a hole cut through his floor with a power saw while Mr Morrow was at home, and had his electricity cut off.

A beam was also cut through in the belief that the property would be deemed unsafe and the tenants would be forced to move out.