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Mar 15, 2013

Barack Obama good Luck Soldier's Bracelet Gambler's Lucky Chit Monkey God Hanuman Madonna and Child

Barack Obama good Luck Soldier's Bracelet Gambler's Lucky Chit Monkey God Hanuman Madonna and Child, This Time Magazine White House Photo of the Day reveals that "amongst the things that Barack Obama carries for good luck are a bracelet belonging to a soldier deployed in Iraq, a gambler’s lucky chit, a tiny monkey god and a tiny Madonna and child."  Monkey god?  Is the small brass statue that Obama considers a luck charm, in fact a deity of Hanuman -- a powerful demigod and dedicated devotee of the Supreme Lord?

Maybe.  To be fair, the Time caption did not elaborate, it is hard to make out much detail in the photo, and there is a divine being in some Chinese Buddhist sects also known as a "monkey god."