Loch Ness Photo Hardly Proof - George Edwards, a Scottish skipper who spent decades searching for the beast said to inhabit Loch Ness, claims to have finally spotted his elusive quarry and gotten what he calls photographic proof of the monster.
On Nov. 2, 2011, Edwards photographed what appears to be a single hump in the water from the deck of his boat, “Nessie Hunter.” Edwards said that “It was slowly moving up the loch towards Urquhart Castle and it was a dark grey color. It was quite a fair way from the boat, probably about half a mile away but it’s difficult to tell in water,” according to the Daily Mail, which along with the Sun has posted Edwards photo. He watched the object for five to ten minutes before it slowly sank and did not resurface.
Edwards said he waited to release the photograph until after unnamed experts had examined it. Oddly, he is quoted in the Daily Mail as having had the photograph “independently verified by a team of U.S military monster experts.”
In fact, the United States military does not have a team of “monster experts” that it dispatches to investigate huge, unknown creatures around the world.
Nor, for that matter, is it clear what “verifying” his photo would mean other than suggesting it was likely a real (i.e., not digitally faked) image of something in the water – though what that “something” might be is, of course, the relevant question. The shape could theoretically be anything from a fish to a floating log to a lake monster.