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Apr 10, 2012

The Virgin Fathered 14 Children

The Virgin Fathered 14 Children
The Virgin Fathered 14 Children, Trent Arsenault, 36, hit the headlines last December after revealing he had fathered 14 children despite being a virgin by donating his sperm to reproductively challenged couples.

Mr Arsenault, from Silicon Valley, California, set up a free online sperm bank to help childless couples in situations where he claimed the only other alternative would be sex with a stranger.

Speaking on Anderson Cooper's daytime show, he said: '100 per cent of my sexual energy is for producing sperm for childless couples to have babies. So I don't have other activity outside of that.

'I will probably be the 40-year-old virgin, except I'll have 15 plus kids.'

He told Huffington Post: ‘I'm helping people in need... I'm not running a business here.'

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