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Apr 4, 2012

Nikki Haley And Obama Bully

Nikki Haley And Obama Bully
Nikki Haley And Obama Bully
Nikki Haley And Obama Bully, President Obama is becoming a "bully" on some issues that are key to his administration, South Carolina Gov. Nikki Haley (R) charged on Wednesday morning.

"What is amazing is what a bully President Obama has suddenly become," Haley said in an interview on Fox News, pointing to the president's combative speech blasting Wisconsin Rep. Paul Ryan's Republican budget and recent comments to reporters expressing confidence that the Supreme Court will uphold his health care law.

"Here was a man that came in with 'hope and change,' and now he's bullying his way," Haley continued. "He's bullying his way on Paul Ryan, saying that he's not coming up with an adequate budget. Now he's bullying the Supreme Court, saying, 'No, they won't reverse this, they won't go against us on this.' That's not how things work. He has to lead. He's shown no sort of leadership when it comes to balancing the budget. He's shown no leadership when it comes to allowing the states to do the will of the people. He continues to say no. To everything."

On Tuesday, Obama tore in to the GOP budget, calling it "thinly veiled social Darwinism" and "antithetical to our entire history as a land of opportunity and upward mobility for everybody who's willing to work for it."

Haley also expanded on her criticism of Obama and his administration's actions regarding South Carolina's proceedings in an interview with the New York Times published on Wednesday:

"We passed voter ID where you had to show a picture ID to vote, and the Department of Justice has stopped us. We had Boeing in Charleston, and that was such a great shot in the arm for us, and President Obama and the National Labor Relations Board stopped us. We passed illegal immigration reform, and the Department of Justice has stopped us," Haley said.

"Everything we keep doing, they keep saying, 'No you can’t do it' after we have passed it. For a bill to become law, it truly has to be the will of the people, and for a president to stop the will of the people and stop what you’re trying to do in your state is not the role of Washington. Every state is supposed to be able to do what's right and what the people want and it's an overstep and intrusion that we constantly feel."

Haley's recent media tour has been prompted by the release of her new book, "Can't Is Not an Option." She also spoke with Stephen Colbert on "The Colbert Report" Tuesday night.
