Laguna Beach, Samaritans representing Jesus Christ, who save the sinful soul, the colloquial phrase "good Samaritan," meaning someone who helps a stranger, derives from this parable, and many hospitals and charitable organizations are named after the Good Samaritans.
A business man who left his wallet with $10,000 on a bench in Laguna Beach saw his money returned by a Good Samaritan. According to City News Service, he had just taken the money out of the bank and was going to use it to pay a contractor.
A Good Samaritan found the wallet and gave it to lifeguards, who called police. All the money was still inside the wallet.
"It's nice that someone did the right thing like we'd expect and turn in this money, especially in times like this," said Laguna Beach Police Lt. Jason Kravetz.
Police found the wallet's owner, who had just moved to Orange County from Florida. He said he was extremely shocked that the money was still there and thanked the Good Samaritan for turning it in.