Apr 8, 2012
Bikram Yoga 95-100 Degrees
Bikram Yoga 95-100 Degrees, Hot yoga is a yoga class done in a heated room. The room is maintained at a temperature of 95-100 degrees. A yoga session at high temperature promotes profuse sweating and makes the body very warm.
Hot Yoga is developed by the Bkram Choudhury, Hot Yoga, also known as Bikram Yoga, and Fire Yoga. His method is a set series of 26 postures, including two pranayama exercises, each of which is performed twice in a single 90-minute class. Choudhury, who was born in Calcutta, India in 1946, was a yoga champion in his youth, as was his wife Rajashree. In 1974, the Choudhurys founded the Yoga College of India in Beverly Hills, California, to teach his method, which soon became one of the most popular styles of yoga asana practiced in the west.