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Jul 1, 2011

What Women Find Attractive

What Women Find Attractive
 What do women find attractive in men? It is easy to say, "good looks and a big fat wallet." These statements might even be a little true in some cases. But in reality these reasons have very little to do with attraction for women.
I have been flat broke and I have never been a pretty boy, but I have done decently with the women. How? Here is a secret: It is not the money and looks that are attractive to women, but understanding what women wants and the basic things that attract them.

Character: A confident and honest disposition.

Women are attracted to men with character. Women want their men to be confident, sure of themselves and inherently honest. Think of Jack and Sawyer on "Lost". Women often like their man confident, funny and just a little bit cocky. Confidence. Character. Honesty. Get those three things down and you are on your way to being attractive to women.

What women find attractive in men is a relaxed laid back attitude.

This goes hand and hand with confidence. Appearing that nothing could bother your calm is essential. Take things lightly, do not appear overly bothered or worried. Remember the two key clues to life. 1. Do not sweat the small stuff. 2. All the stuff is small. If you have that attitude many women will be knocking down your door.

Attract women by Understanding Women

This does not mean that you have to be a shoulder for her to cry on. Sometimes that will get you into the "friend zone" quickly. Attracting women by understanding them means knowing what "type" a woman belongs to. You see some women like, "bad boys". Some women want sexual tension. A few even want to be the aggressor and chase you. If you know which type of woman the girl you wish to attract is, there is a correct move for everything she does. You will always know the proper move to make to get her hot and bothered for you.

It all starts with three questions

There are three questions you ask women that will precisely define what, "type" she is. Once you get the answers to these questions you can tailor your approach to the girl and get just about any type of woman, and what Women find attractive, will be you. If you want to find out the amazing secrets behind this revolutionary approach to women check out the brand new, " Pandora's Box ". If you understand her, you will get her.

Source: ezinearticles