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Jun 13, 2011

Insurance Disaster Coverage and Exceptions

Insurance Disaster Coverage and Exceptions
Insurance Disaster Coverage and Exceptions. Most basic home insurance plans don’t cover against every contingency or possible source of damage to one’s home. Many plans are offered a-la-carte, allowing homeowners to protect from the dangers that are most prevalent where they live. On the other hand, knowing the difference between what is covered and what is optional makes all the difference when a disaster occurs.Basic plans cover 11 types of disasters. The entire list, which every homeowner should know, is fire, lightning, smoke, vandalism, theft, ice, snow, windstorm, hail, riot and volcano eruption. While the list does look exhaustive, there are many special cases that aren’t covered. Extra options that are added onto basic packages include damage from frozen plumbing or loss on account of heating system failures.

If possible study this particular blog post properly, the situation and the answers have a couple of varieties. When deciding on the level of home insurance coverage, these popular options deserve careful attention.

Flood Insurance

The largest ticket that’s not a part of most packages is flood insurance. Despite common belief, flood and water damage is not covered under basic home insurance. Homeowners in well identified or sell-evident flood prone areas are usually the only ones to purchase the coverage. For example, every homeowner that has Virginia Beach home insurance will also have flood insurance for tidal surges and heavy storms.

Now this is really important section of this particular subject matter. Last but not least, many homeowners don’t think that their homes lie in a flood prone area if they don’t live near the ocean, a lake, or on a river. In addition, even low-lying ground in high elevations can flood when heavy rainfall occurs, especially over a short period of time. Localized flooding is a concern in nearly every part of the country. Broken water mains, failed dams, or breeched levees can all cause flooding. Even if an area has been free of heavy water damage for years, that’s no guarantee that the situation will stay the same way.

Home Liability Insurance

Home insurance policies include a provision for liability coverage, which protects the owners and their guests as well as anyone else on the property in case of injury. Additionally, the limits on the basic liability term are often inadequate. When considering an accident that occurs on someone’s property, liability insurance has to cover medical costs, legal fees, and any home repairs. These costs can quickly escalate in the case of debilitating injuries, multiple injured people, or even death.

Purchasing additional home liability insurance is very inexpensive and will offer a great degree of security. Any household with a pool, trampoline, outdoor animals, or anything that can be a potential hazard should invest in this additional insurance. Homes in the areas of the country that experience freezing weather can also benefit from coverage against injuries that can occur from slips on frozen surface or falling ice and snow.

When considering homeowner’s insurance, always keep in mind what terms are covered and what is optional. It’s too late after an accident or disaster occurs. Comprehensive insurance coverage is the best way to be proactive in protecting one’s family, property, and investment.

Source: salzberginsurance