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Jun 14, 2011

5 Myths About Men

5 Myths About Men

5 Myths About Men. Here are the 5 myths that women can't understand or anyone can understand about men

1. Men think about sex 24x7

Men do think about sex 24x7, but only those men who either have Obessesive compulsive disorder or extreme sexual anxiety.

The rest think about it only a couple of times within a week. Research has proved that in certain groups, women tend to spend more time thinking about sex than men.

2. Single guys are better in bed than married guys
A married man, who has treated sex as a conjugal exercise rather than focusing on his own pleasure, has greater understanding of the physical, emotional and psychological impacts of the act. Continous discussion with his partner, helps him understand the needs of a woman, the importance of foreplay and the exstacy of orgasm.

Most single men on the contrary treat sex as just an extension of masturbation, where sexual intercourse and personal satisfaction is the only goal and vision. Most such men, fall very short of experiencing the true fun and happiness involved in the sexual act.

The idea of single men being better in bed, arises from the lack of physical fitness which most married men fall trap off. Unfortunately most married men have a tendency to gain weight. The reason for the same range from intake of high calorie food, to lack of exercise, increased consumption of alcohol and stress.
Weight gain, medical illness and stress constitute the "trio-of-sexual death" as they decrease sexual stamina, sexual performance, sexual appetite and capacity to satisfy the partner.

3. Masturbation leads to permanent weakness and fragile bones.

Semen is made up of very small quantities of fructose, magnesium, calcium, vitamin C and water. The fructose and calcium used by the body in semen is not derived from bones or teeth. The amount of fructose and calcium used for every single ejaculate is negligible.

An individual feels light or dizzy after masturbation, because the blood circulation increases along with excitation and suddenly drops post achievement of orgasm. Also a lot of anti-stress hormones are released that give a relaxed feeling for a few minutes to hours. This is a reasons that many people use this exercise it to get sleep. Since majority fear to take help of anyone to battle stress, they use masturbation for the same.

4. Men with bigger feet or bigger fingers have bigger penis.

A recent study on more than 3000 volunteers world wide, proved that penis size has nothing to do with bigger hand or feet.

5. The bigger the penis, the better a woman is satisfied.

This is a myth that has been created by the porn industry. Since a woman can be judged by her breast size or her curves, the porn industry started judging men based on the penis size.

Most men forget that, most porn artists are actors. The woman is just enacting having an orgasm, while she practically feels nothing. And most men use sensation killing creams and penis enlargement surgery to perform longer. Also most of the sex scenes are not filmed continously, but at gaps. This is edited to create the impression that is one big continous act.

Its medically proven that women only have 1 and half to 2 inches of sensitive vaginal surface. So a fully erect penis which is more than 2inches can satisfy any woman in the world.