Traffic Exchange

May 19, 2011

Twitter passes 300 million users

Twitter passes 300 million users
Twitter just crossed the 300 million account threshold, according to a Twitter-tracking site called Twopcharts.
Twitter is currently adding 9.1 accounts per second. It will reach 301 million in the three hours after this post goes live.

But don't be fooled! Twitter doesn't actually have anywhere near 300 million real users.

In March, we plowed through the numbers and found that Twitter has less than 21 million "active" users.

The good news for Twitter is that executives at the company aren't buying the hype. The people running the place know they've built a service that the mainstream knows about – through media – but does not actually use. This is the main reason they re-hired Jack Dorsey. To make the product easier to use and more friendly to people who want to consume media instead of create it.

read more: businessinsider