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Feb 8, 2011

Bristol Palin memoir

Bristol Palin, daughter of former Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin, will soon be able to add "author" to her resume with the release of an as-yet-untitled memoir set to hit bookshelves this summer.
As noted by Political Wire, an Amazon listing for an "Untitled Bristol Palin Memoir" -- in hardcover no less -- has been created, announcing that the 304-page book will be available for a little over $17.
PopEater reported late last year that the 20-year-old mother was exploring a variety of options to cash in on the visibility provided by her successful, but not victorious, run on ABC's hit show, "Dancing With the Stars." Apart from the book deal and speaking engagements -- which no longer include a panel at Washington University's "Sex Week" -- a source also told PopEater that future jobs might include a role on another reality-TV show and as a spokeswoman for a fashion line.
According to the Amazon page, the book will be published by William Morrow & Co for release on June 21.