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Jul 20, 2013

Richard E Grant Mini Cooper rant

Richard E Grant Mini Cooper rant, Actor Richard E Grant has launched a furious expletive-laden Twitter tirade against Mini Cooper after his daughter's steering wheel allegedly locked on a motorway.

The Hollywood star claimed the car was 'a timebomb' and said it was a 'nightmare' that his only daughter was driving the vehicle.

His angry rant resulted in him telling his 60,000 followers that he had 'clenched fists and bared gnashers' .

Referring to Mini Cooper, he added: 'I hope the f*****s will rue the day!”

It appeared to start after he was told his insurers would refuse to pay for repairs to his daughter's car, which would cost more than £1,000. He also said Mini Cooper refused any culpability.

Writing on Twitter yesterday afternoon, the actor,  said: 'Here's the Kafka: my daughter's Mini Cooper's steering locks on motorway - 1 of the 200,000+ to do so.

'Repair will cost over a grand. Mini Cooper refuse any culpability. Insurers refuse to pay for repair 'as car didn't crash'. Yeah right!

'So she is left car-less, huge repair bill and Mini carry on as per. SHAME ON THEM ALL.'

Famous for his appearances in films such as Withnail& I, Gosford Park and Bram Stoker's Dracula, the actor fired off 13 furious tweets.

One was also directed to the firm's own Twitter feed. He said: 'Let me count the ways in which your car has gone wrong since I trustingly gifted it to my precious daughter to "steer" her way ahead.'

He added: 'The customer's always right? Wrong - if you're unlucky enough to have bought a Mini Cooper between 2001-7. Always the customer's fault? F******!”

'What would Thames Ditton Mini Cooper branch do if u crashed through their plate glass & said 'The steering locked?'”

'You can bet your copper bottomed Calvin Klein's that they'd say, it's not our fault, it's BMW's. Or yours for buying the 'wrong' model or 'leaves on the track'.

'If YOU - BMW/Mini Cooper were me, what would YOU do? Put your hand up & PAY UP? Betcha their 'computer says NOOOOOOOOO!'

'It's the nightmare of my Only Daughter driving this Timebomb/Mini-Cooper with locked steering that's done my head in. The 'What if' of it all.

'Why should you have to threaten legal action or whatever when it's a manufacturing defect? Clenched fists & bared gnashers set to Grrrrrrrrr!”

As reported by The Daily Telegraph, a spokesman for Mini Cooper said it was liaising with the actor.

The spokesman said it did not yet know the causes of the alleged problem.

The BBC show Watchdog investigated alleged power steering failures in Minis in 2009.

At the time, it was claimed 223,000 Minis bought between 2001 and 2007 were affected, with motorists claiming the car’s system cutting out abruptly.

A spokesman from the company told The Daily Telegraph the vehicles had been investigated  and  were found to have no safety risk.