Traffic Exchange

Jun 25, 2013

Zimmerman Knock Knock Joke

Zimmerman Knock Knock Joke, A prosecuting attorney greeted the jury in the George Zimmerman trial Monday with a quote full of expletives, while his adversary decided it was appropriate to tell jurors a knock-knock joke.

And that was just the beginning of opening statements in Zimmerman's long-anticipated murder trial.

In a case that has ignited national debate about gun laws and race relations, Zimmerman, a neighborhood watch captain, is accused of second-degree murder in the fatal shooting of 17-year-old Trayvon Martin in February 2012 in Sanford, Florida.

Prosecutor John Guy's first words to the six-woman jury may have raised a few eyebrows.

"Good morning. 'F*****g punks, these a******s all get away,'" Guy quoted Zimmerman. "These were the words in this grown man's mouth as he followed this boy that he didn't know. Those were his words, not mine."

Zimmerman, Guy said, "got out of his car with a pistol and two flashlights to follow Trayvon Benjamin Martin, who was walking home from a 7-Eleven, armed" with a fruit drink and a bag of candy. Eventually the two became entangled on the ground in a fight. A witness has said Martin was on top of Zimmerman, Guy said.

"The defendant claims that while Trayvon Martin was on top of him, he said, 'you are going to die tonight,'" said Guy. "Nobody heard that."

Guy told jurors that no witnesses saw what happened the night of the shooting from beginning to end. Witnesses only saw "slices" of what happened, he said.

"We are confident that at the end of this trial you will know in your head, in your heart, in your stomach that George Zimmerman did not shoot Trayvon Martin because he had to," Guy said. "He shot him for the worst of all reasons, because he wanted to."

In the first day of testimony, jurors heard witnesses recount Martin's trip to the convenience store, Zimmerman's call complaining about a suspicious person walking through his neighborhood before Martin's killing, and a call from the previous August, in which Zimmerman reported an alleged burglary to police.

Proceedings ended for the day when defense attorney Mark O'Mara objected to the earlier call, which prosecutors argued was necessary to explain Zimmerman's remark about burglars who "get away."

The Martin family sat watching the proceedings behind State Attorney Angela Corey. Before witness testimony began, Judge Debra Nelson denied a defense request that Martin's father, Tracy Martin, leave the courtroom.

Tracy Martin is a potential witness, and potential witnesses can be forced to sit outside of the courtroom to keep their testimony from being tainted by other witnesses. But the next-of-kin of victims are allowed to remain in court even if they're expected to testify.

O'Mara also accused Tracy Martin of using an obscenity toward a friend of Zimmerman's while holding the door for him during a hearing two weeks ago. The friend, Timothy Tucholski, testified that he hadn't wanted to make an issue of it before.

"I wasn't planning on coming up here. I don't want to be sitting here," he said.

But Nelson denied the request, and Martin remained in court -- but Zimmerman's parents were covered by the rule regarding potential witnesses and had to sit outside, as did Benjamin Crump, the lawyer for Martin's parents.

At one point, Martin's father began crying as Guy detailed how officers tried to save his son's life. Zimmerman has mostly stared straight ahead without any signs of emotion.

Following Guy's statement, defense attorney Don West came forward to woo the jury. As he began, he told a knock-knock joke. But it failed to win a laugh. "Knock knock. Who's there? George Zimmerman. George Zimmerman who? Good, you're on the jury," he said. Later, West apologized. "No more bad jokes, I promise that," he told jurors. "I was convinced it was the delivery."

West quickly got on with the business of making his case: that Zimmerman was forced to act in self-defense to save his own life.