Traffic Exchange

Jun 28, 2013

Rutgers Ad Controversy

Rutgers Ad Controversy, We hit on the newest scandal surrounding Rutgers and it's hiring of AD Julie Hermann. The crux of the point being that Rutgers University President Robert L. Barchi, the man in charge of the search for a new AD NEEDS TO BE FIRED and Hermann too.

We outlined Hermann's blatant lying to the media and the public about her past and how Barchi has one hundred percent hitched his wagon to her in his inaction and statements to the press and public.

Now, the New York Times has come out with a piece that even further illustrates the point we made just this morning: How exactly is being embroiled in player abuse allegations and controversy surrounding coaches making you "uniquely qualified" to run the Rutgers athletic department?

If by being the centerpiece of all the controversy and the source of abuse allegations, then you're right. But, that doesn't qualify you to be anything at Rutgers, in fact it should've disqualified you.

In the NYT piece they shed light on a 2008 sex discrimination suit filed by an ex-Louisville track coach, one that Hermann is at the center of.

The nerve of both Barchi and Hermann in this situation to stand up in front of the public, you know... the people who are paying their salaries, and to defend their actions as anything less than incorrigible is sickening to say the least.

Both of them have repeatedly spoken about her "exemplary career" and "learning from mistakes of the past" when that's clearly not been the case.

Sorry, if you're going to be hired to be the athletics director at Rutgers after what's gone down with Mike Rice and Tim Pernetti you best be as squeaky clean as one can be.

This situation speaks to the arrogance of both Hermann and Barchi and in the latter's case it also speaks to complete incompetence as well. What background search did you tell the headhunting firm to use - oh wait, that's right Hermann wasn't on their list of recommended candidates.... Hmmm, I wonder why?

As lawyers and judges like to say "ignorance is not a defense" and that applies here with Barchi. What should happen is Hermann steps down from her post and Barchi is forced out by the Rutgers Board of Trustees.
