Traffic Exchange

Jun 10, 2013

Man Calls Sandwich The Bomb detained By TSA

Man Calls Sandwich The Bomb detained By TSA, Think twice about what food you bring to the airport. Jason Cruz was at New York’s JFK International Airport last Thursday. He was scheduled to fly from New York to Los Angeles. The flight from New York to LA is a long one, so Cruz understandably grabbed some food before boarding the plane. He went to a local Astoria deli and grabbed his sandwich of choice, which is nicknamed “The Bomb” because of its explosive flavor.

As it turns out, bringing something called “The Bomb” to an airport isn’t the best idea.

At the airport, Cruz was talking to his friend Matthew Okumoto while waiting to pass through security. Referring to his sandwich, Cruz turned to his friend and said he wanted to bring “The Bomb” aboard the plane.

Nice one, Jason.

A TSA agent heard Cruz’s comment and reacted immediately, thinking he was referring to an explosive bomb rather than a ‘bomb’ tasting combination of bread, meat and cheese.

TSA agents took the men into custody. Cruz and his friend were questioned extensively in a holding area, and airport police were called. After it became clear that the bomb being referred to had actually been a sandwich, the men were released. Needless to say, they missed their flight. That sandwich better have been really good.

In more serious news, the TSA appears to be better at preventing sandwiches from boarding planes than real bombs. As part of a training routine, an undercover TSA training agent stuffed a mock bomb in his pants and tried to board a plane. He passed through all security checkpoints with no problem.

“He did have a simulated IED in his pants,” an agent said. “They did not find it.”

The TSA’s failure prompted New York Congressman Peter King to call for an extensive review of TSA security protocols at the region’s airports.