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Jun 20, 2013

Fidel Castro thought to have at least ten children by at least six women

Fidel Castro thought to have at least ten children by at least six women, Cuban leader Fidel Castro has at least 10 children from his relationships with a string of women, if a new book is to be believed.

Even though discussing his womanising ways is strictly taboo on the Caribbean communist outpost, journalist Ann Louise Bardach has thrown light on Castro’s philandering in her book ‘Without Fidel’.

To be published by Scribner, the book chronicles the lives of Castro and his brother Raul, reports the Telegraph.

When Ann Louise, a long-time Cuba-watcher, once asked Castro how many children he had during an interview with Vanity Fair in 1993, the smiling leader answered: “Almost a tribe.”

While researching for the Without Fidel, she found how true that observation was.

Castro had one child, Fidelito (Little Fidel), with his first wife Myrta Diaz-Balart in 1949 and five boys between 1962 and 1974 with Dalia Soto del Valle, a little-seen companion whom he is said to have secretly married in 1980.

However, according to Ann Louise, there have been many more paramours and several other children along the way-most notably from the time when the 29-year-year old rebel leader celebrated his release from prison in 1955 for a failed uprising.

Three Castro offspring were born to three women during 1956, and Natalia Revuelta, an aristocratic beauty who became a fierce defender of his revolution, bore him a daughter, Alina Fernandez.

Ann Louise had previously reported the existence of another illegitimate 1956 child, Panchita Pupo. She was not even known to his other offspring and her mother remains unidentified.

In her book, the investigative journalist has now revealed the identity of the mother of Jorge Angel, the third Castro child of 1956 - Maria Laborde, an admirer who Castro met just after was he freed.

She also talks about a son known as Ciro, the early 1960s product of another brief fling.

He was previously unknown outside the family inner circle, but a close relative of Celia Sanchez, Castro’s closest confidante and yet another rumoured lover, revealed his existence to the author.

Earlier this year, a Cuban intelligence defector claimed that Castro had sired another son in 1970, which, if true, would take the count to 11 children by seven women.