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Jun 30, 2013

Courtney Love Hasn’t Seen Frances Bean Cobain For 3 Years

Courtney Love Hasn’t Seen Frances Bean Cobain For 3 Years
Courtney Love Hasn’t Seen Frances Bean Cobain For 3 Years. Courtney Love says her icy relationship with daughter Frances Bean Cobain is thawing out, one tweet at a time.

The 48-year-old Hole singer, appearing on The Howard Stern Show Thursday, said that while she hasn’t seen her daughter with late grunge icon Kurt Cobain in three years, things are gradually improving in the turbulent mother-daughter relationship.

“I’m really good with my daughter now — we’re e-mailing and tweeting,” Love said, adding she thinks that her 20-year-old daughter’s aggressive team of lawyers and assistants were primarily responsible for the “extreme” restraining order Frances got against her in Dec. 2009.

The mercurial rocker said while she hasn’t met Frances Bean’s fiance, musician Isaiah Silva, she has also talked to him online, and that he seems “really, really nice.

“I don’t want to get too into [Frances'] private stuff … she’s really private,” Love said.

Love also commented on the controversy last month when she accused former Nirvana rocker Dave Grohl, 44, of hitting on Frances, before apologizing to her daughter a short time after for bringing the issue to public attention.

Love stayed the course in her attack on Grohl, saying that she heard from “an impeccable source” that the Foo Fighters frontman “was saying things that were inappropriate” about Frances.

Love said she apologized “because it was all public, but the reality is, Dave did say these dirty things.”

In another odd factoid from the interview, Courtney told the King of All Media that at 13, Frances was initially offered the role of Bella in Twilight — the one that made Kristen Stewart an international star — but turned it down because she wasn’t fond of the material.