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Apr 1, 2013

The Best Jokes on April 1

The Best Jokes on April 1, April first can of course trite pour salt in the sugar bowl at home and at work to make a joke: "Ivan, you have all the back is white"? But there are more creative ways to April fishes.

Soap paint with varnish. When dry, place it in the usual place. Let anyone try to wash up in the morning - it will not lather, as if it no rubbing.

Pour paint on wax paper. When dry up - gently clean "patch" from the paper. (It is best to use a fast drying lacquer, you can speed up the drying of the dryer). Then this can be varnished blotches along with a bottle of nail polish to put anywhere: at least for a new shirt of her husband, even on an important document of his wife.

Decorate the rug.

Or corridor.

C cups water.

And who was sitting on my toilet?

While the victim is asleep, draw her a mustache. Or something more scale ... she guessed about it only in the bathroom, when you look at yourself in the mirror. Try all the wash - and soap is not mylitsya.)

Trash-confession of love.

Need I explain? ..

Blue food dye on a toothbrush - a classic.

Several office jokes.
