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Mar 25, 2013

Millions of Red Crabs Swarm Island [VIDEO]

Millions of Red Crabs Swarm Island [VIDEO]
Millions of Red Crabs Swarm Island [VIDEO] - Red crabs are native to Christmas Island, Australia. Red carbs swarm Christmas Island every year as part of the migration process at the beginning of the rainy season, it's known as one of the top ten "most spectacular migrations."

More than 120 million red crabs can be found on the rain forest floor of Christmas Island. Red crabs live alone in dirt burrows, or deep rock crevices. Crabs stay in the shade of their dwelling for most of the year. In October or November, when the wet season is about to return, crabs begin their migration to the shore. This timing coincides with the lunar cycle and the tides.

According to KpopStarz , An expedition to witness the red crab migration can cost upwards of $1,500.