Traffic Exchange

Nov 7, 2011

Man reports date as burglar when girlfriend shows

Man reports date as burglar when girlfriend shows, Colorado Man Calls Cops on Date when Girlfriend Shows Up.

Oh no he didn't.

When Kevin Gaylor's girlfriend got home early, the 24-year-old panicked and called the police -- on his other date, whom he had expected to arrive first.

Instead of owning up to his two-timing scheme, Gaylor accused his would-be date (the two met online) of burglary and called the cops to report the break-in, according to the San Francisco Gate.

Gaylor had apparently planned this tryst for 3 a.m., but (surprise, surprise) his legitimate girlfriend got home earlier.

Gaylor was charged with a misdemeanor for false reporting to authorities.

If he were in Indianapolis, police might have been more apt to believe Gaylor.

A local burglar has been spotted in the city wearing an itsy bitsy, teeny weenie pink bikini.

The man wearing the swimsuit was caught on surveillance cameras at Kidscape Learning Center at 10 p.m. last week, according to

In the video, the burglar tried on several swimsuits before settling on the pink two-piece.

He started exploring the day care, but after about 10 minutes jumped over a counter and set off a motion detector. When he heard the alarm, the half-dressed criminal leaped back over the counter, changed, and left the building.

Police don't know whether he stole anything.

He's not the first to face trouble for wearing a bikini in inappropriate situations.

In 2007, an Ohio fireman was caught drunkenly driving and wandering through a park while wearing a striped bikini and a blond wig, according to

Stephen S. Cole, the 46-year-old fireman, was on his way to perform as a woman in a contest and try to win $10,000. He was caught with a blood alcohol level of .17 (more than twice Ohio's legal limit of .08) and arrested for public indecency and driving under the influence.
